Richard Gordon does individual intuitive counseling, energy work, and astrology readings.
In a private session he can do any one or a combination of the above modalities.
Intuitive Counseling
An intuitive counseling session involves Richard connecting with his guidance to provide information that serves the client's greatest good. Most often this guidance includes spiritual/metaphysical principles combined with practical steps which can be easily applied in everyday life. Time is provided for questions and answers.
Energy Work
In an energy work session Richard draws upon his pranic healing, Reiki, Arhatic and Kriya Yoga experience to cleanse, clear, balance, and recharge the client's energy field, subtle bodies, and physical body.
Astrology Readings
In a natal astrology reading you are given a window into your Soul's Purpose for this lifetime. This blueprint is your natal (birth) chart which assists you in understanding your Life Purpose, personal strengths, and learning opportunities. It addresses all areas of your life: purpose, career opportunities, cash, relationships, health, gifts you brought in from past lives, and much more.
In addition to natal charts, Richard can do comparison (relationship), and astrocartography (beneficial and challenging planetary locations to live or work), solar return (insight for the coming year, starting on your birthday), and transit (how the current planetary alignment is effecting you now) charts.
This system of astrology is based upon Dr. Turi's study of Nostradamus and his immense wisdom. One of the ways this system differs from other systems is in its recognition of the powerful dragon, the moon's north and south nodes, which can be as important as all the rest of the chart. The dragon, and hidden dragon, give clear insight on what you came to do this lifetime and gifts or potential pitfalls from past lives.